Proxy Configuration

Proxy Configuration

The proxy config object

You can use the API to retrieve information about your proxy configuration.


Unique identifier of the proxy configuration instance.


Indicates whether a proxy list is ready to use or not. Values can be pending, processing or completed.


Proxy countries by count in the proxy list. Cannot be edited.


Proxy countries by count available (not in the current proxy list). This field is useful when listing which countries are available when replacing proxies. Cannot be edited.


Unallocated proxy countries by count. A proxy becomes unallocated if the Plan object requested for a specific country but that country was not available to be allocated for the Proxy List.


IP ranges in /24 subnet by count in the proxy list. Format is CIDR:count. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


IP ranges in /16 subnet by count in the proxy list. Format is CIDR:count. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


IP ranges in /8 subnet by count in the proxy list. Format is CIDR:count. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


IP ranges in /24 subnet by count available (not in the current proxy list). This field is useful when listing which IP ranges are available when replacing proxies. Format is CIDR:count. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


IP ranges in /16 subnet by count available (not in the current proxy list). This field is useful when listing which IP ranges are available when replacing proxies. Format is CIDR:count. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


IP ranges in /8 subnet by count available (not in the current proxy list


List of ASNs in {asn_number: (asn_name, count)} format. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


List of ASNs in {asn_number: (asn_name, count)} format. Cannot be edited. This field is an empty dictionary if plan.pool_filter is residential.


Proxy username. Must be between 8-32 characters, alphanumeric.


Proxy password. Must be between 8-32 characters, alphanumeric. Cannot be too common password. Cannot be too similar to proxy username.


Maximum number of seconds a proxy request can be used. Min value is 15 seconds. Max value is 7 days.


Maximum number of seconds a proxy request can stay idle (no data sent). Min value is 15 seconds. Max value is 2 hours.


The list of country codes the proxy should server for IP Authorization in Backbone Connection mode. If set to null, all countries are available.


Auto-replace proxies from the proxy list if they are invalid for 15 minutes. Cannot be edited for free proxy plans.


Auto-replace proxies from the proxy list if they have low country confidence. Cannot be edited for free proxy plans.


Auto-replace proxies from the proxy list if they are performing slower than usual.


Auto-replace proxies if the proxy does not pass site-checks any longer.


Alpha-numeric randomly generated token used for proxy list download links.


Indicates whether a proxy has been used.


The timestamp of when this instance was created.


The timestamp when this instance was last updated.

In JSON format

  "id": 1,
  "state": "completed",
  "countries": {"US": 5, "FR": 100},
  "available_countries": {"US": 95},
  "unallocated_countries": {},
  "ip_ranges_24": {"": 5, "": 100},
  "ip_ranges_16": {"": 105},
  "ip_ranges_8": {"": 105},
  "available_ip_ranges_24": {"": 100},
  "available_ip_ranges_16": {"": 100},
  "available_ip_ranges_8": {"": 100},
  "asns": {"6137": ["ASN NAME", 105]},
  "available_asns": {"9421": ["ASN NAME", 105]},
  "username": "username",
  "password": "password",
  "request_timeout": 86400,
  "request_idle_timeout": 900,
  "ip_authorization_country_codes": ["US", "FR"],
  "auto_replace_invalid_proxies": true,
  "auto_replace_low_country_confidence_proxies": false,
  "auto_replace_out_of_rotation_proxies": false,
  "auto_replace_failed_site_check_proxies": false,
  "proxy_list_download_token": "aa87abbc...zz",
  "is_proxy_used": false,
  "created_at": "2022-06-14T11:58:10.246406-07:00",
  "updated_at": "2022-06-14T11:58:10.246406-07:00"