Delete Social Account
Please note that some data generated by the account (e.g. activity logs and transaction history) may be retained. You can view Webshare Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) for more information on how your data is processed by Webshare.
This endpoint deletes your Webshare social account.
Delete Social Account Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
provider | string | Social provider to login with. Currently only |
code | string | Then auth code received from the social provider. |
redirect_uri | string | Must match the authorized redirect URIs Google Credentials. |
If request is successful, the API deletes the user. A successful request returns 204 response
Request & Response
import requests
response =
"provider": "google",
"code": "XXXX",
"redirect_uri": "",
headers={"Authorization": "Token "}
assert response.status_code == 204
the above command returns empty response with 204 No Content
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Account deleted
If your account is deleted, all API requests will start returning the 403 Forbidden
status with the following
error message.
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
"detail": "Your account is deleted.",
"code": "account_deleted"