Delete Account

Please note that some data generated by the account (e.g. activity logs and transaction history) may be retained. You can view Webshare Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) for more information on how your data is processed by Webshare.

This endpoint deletes your Webshare account.

Delete Account Request

This API endpoint requires a recaptcha validation. This means that you should not be using this API endpoint programmatically and only use it from the Webshare Dashboard.


Password of the user.


The recaptcha token (can be invisible recaptcha).

If request is successful, the API deletes the user. A successful request returns 204 response

Request & Response
import requests
response =
"password": "newpassword1234",
"recaptcha": "..."
headers={"Authorization": "Token "}
assert response.status_code == 204

the above command returns empty response with 204 No Content

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Account deleted

If your account is deleted, all API requests will start returning the 403 Forbidden status with the following error message.

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
  "detail": "Your account is deleted.",
  "code": "account_deleted"